6th Grade - African Vocabulary by Julie Williams
By Julie Williams
Sixth grade students showcase their vocabulary learning through poetry as relates to Africa and African culture.
- Students complete an illustrated acrostic poem in class.
- Exemplary student poems are chosen.
- Teacher receives written consent from parents to post student work on the Internet.
- Teacher scans student poems into the computer with students.
- Teacher uploads images to VoiceThread with students.
- Students record voice to narrate poems.
The goal of the project was to introduce students to VoiceThread and to excite students about learning vocabulary concerning Africa, as well as the chance to showcase their work in a new and unique way to their peers and family.
Easy Parts
The easiest part was recording the student voice narrations. It was also the most fun!
The hardest part was working with my school to unblock the VoiceThread website from the district filter. After that was completed, portions and functions of the website were also blocked, which had to be configured and repaired as well.
Students were very excited to showcase their work and to narrate the VoiceThread. I recommend allowing all students to complete a VoiceThread like this one, but in small groups, around a common theme.
You can have students create illustrated acrostic poems for any set of vocabulary words in any subject! Then, create a VoiceThread and post it to your own teacher website for all students to view and review material. Students love it!